
How to Open a Stuffy Nose? How Nasal Congestion Passes, What Is It Good For?

Along with this, diseases such as colds, flu and colds occur. Side effects of these disorders such as nasal congestion and runny nose are encountered in daily life. There are natural solutions to get rid of nasal congestion.

How to Open a Stuffy Nose?

What to do in order to open the blocked nose; The use of humidifiers that will add moisture to the air will contribute to the breakdown of inflamed nasal passages and mucus. However, if you have asthma, you should consult your doctor before using a humidifier. In addition to this, for the opening of the blocked nose;

– Ginger tea should be consumed.

– It is important that the pillow is high when sleeping.

-By taking a hot bath, bronchi and body can be relaxed.

– The bronchi of the nose can be opened with hot water and menthol.

– Salt water is the best method for nasal congestion.

– Spices can be consumed.

– Plenty of fluids should be consumed.

How Does Nasal Congestion Pass?

The methods that can be followed for the relief of nasal congestion;

– Ginger tea: Ginger, with the substances it contains, increases the fluidity of the mucous membrane and helps to open the nasal passages. It has positive effects on both nasal congestion and throat infection. Ginger; It can be obtained from herbalists as root or powder. Boil 2 glasses of water and add 2 teaspoons of ginger powder. If it is taken as a root, it should be added by slicing a piece as big as the palm of your hand. Let it sit for 10 minutes and filter it. Drink 1 glass and the remainder should be applied as a hot compress to the nose with the support of a clean cloth.

– Olive oil: A few drops of olive oil to be dripped into the nose will relieve nasal congestion.

– Humidity: Humid air is good for nasal congestion. A glass of water to be left on the heater in the room refreshes the humidity of the air. Apart from this, steam machines that keep the room moist can also be a solution to nasal congestion.

– Apple Cider Vinegar: apple cider vinegar; While helping to thin the mucus, it also prevents the formation of viruses and bacteria in the nose due to its acidic structure and prevents mucus production again. Nasal congestion can be stopped by adding a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drinking it twice a day. Another method is to add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to warm water and remove the mixture from the nose and clean the nose.

– Saltwater: The nose can be cleaned by adding a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. If desired, a teaspoon of baking soda can be added to balance the pH.

What Is Good For Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion can be reduced or relieved with home remedies for nasal congestion. These methods are;

– It is necessary to consume plenty of fluids in order to keep the nasal mucosa moist.

– Saltwater; It is perfect for opening nasal congestion. It is possible to get rid of nasal congestion at home by putting 1 teaspoon of table salt with a glass of warm water and blowing it into the nose.

– Since the air dries in air-conditioned or heated environments, the problem of nasal dryness and congestion may be encountered. The problem of nasal congestion can be solved by keeping boiling water in the room or using a steam machine.

– passive smoking or smoking; It is an element that causes nasal congestion. Therefore, if it is desired to prevent nasal congestion, it is necessary not to smoke or be in a smoking environment.

Consumption of herbal teas such as mint, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon helps to relieve or reduce congestion. In this way, it will be possible to solve the problem of nasal congestion.

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The article discusses natural solutions for nasal congestion caused by disorders such as colds, flu, and allergies. The use of humidifiers, consuming ginger tea and spices, taking hot baths, and using salt water are suggested as effective remedies for opening the blocked nose. The article also suggests consuming plenty of fluids, avoiding smoking or being in a smoking environment, and using herbal teas to reduce or relieve congestion. Additionally, the article mentions the benefits of ginger, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and saltwater in relieving nasal congestion. Overall, the article provides useful information on how to get rid of nasal congestion naturally.

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